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A voice for my ideas

Welcome to my new blog!

I’ve decided to create a blog to talk about what I’m doing in my design career and share my perspective on what is going on in the design and technology industries.

There are multiple reasons why I wanted to start the blog. One reason is I’ve found that after graduating recently from university I haven’t produced as much written content to go alongside my design work and it’s an aspect which I want to develop going forward while sharing my process with what is going on in the wider world of design and technology. I also want this blog to communicate more about what I do and how design has become part of my life. So I hope some of this information can be of value or entertaining to some of you :).

So what can you expect to see here? I’ll be covering my practice and what I’m doing with projects that I can share, I’m also going to talk about some passion projects here when I have the extra time.

I’ll be talking about points of interest in the design industry, mainly focusing on interactive design including virtual reality and UX developments. There’s some really exciting things going on in the world of machine learning and devices like the iPhone X for designers to tackle and I can’t wait to share my thoughts on them with you.

In my next post I’ll be talking about my creative practice and how I got interested in interactive design from the perspective of an Illustrator which I will talking about next week.

I will update the blog whenever I have something I feel is interesting to discuss usually these will be available on Sunday evenings.

Thanks for joining me on the ride, see you next week.

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