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Game Tracker

While working full time I found it quite difficult to have enough space to play new and enjoy upcoming games. This was the reason I decided to research into the topic of game play times helping users find out how long a game is before committing the time if the user only has 12 hours a week to play games for example.

A site called How Long To Beat provides a similar service for users however does not have an easily accessible form for users to quickly get information about a game they may be interested in. For example the user must first search for the website and then manually type the game they are looking for on a site that is primarily designed for a desktop environment. This was the main problem I was trying to solve with Gamer Tracker which in concept will be a mobile app that links to the users game account to automatically recommend suggestions for the user based on what they are already playing while also being mobile friendly and available at the touch of a button.

The focus is primarily focused on an app design because this makes the information available at any place for any time as opposed to a site which takes the user more time to reach the required destination.

My initial process started with wire framing and creating some low level concepts to develop forward with the lead platform being on iOS. Some aspects of the research into the usability of the site came from an app called Clear which provides a colour based management system to complete and organise tasks. This inspired me to think about the user journey of Game Tracker by using simple but effect use of colours to help the user navigate the layout.

After creating a draft prototype for the design on Adobe XD I integrated an interactive prototype using the invision platform. This allows me to experiment and test to see how users navigate the layout on the native platform which will help me for my next draft.

I currently have a live prototype available here which you can see my progress as it develops.

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