Interaction Design
Nocturnal Issue V
I really enjoyed working with Nocturnal for issue V of the interactive magazine.
The themes of the issue were based around embracing unique perspectives and being open about issues of identity in contemporary culture.
My illustrations were inspired by pin up designs from the 1940’s. This time period interested me because of the aesthetic and portrayal of woman during the time period.
The audience was mainly focused towards social media which I felt fitted in well with the themes of individuality.
The issue can be read here:

It’s really nice to see the relationship between image and type on this interactive format as an extended narrative when moving from different pages.
Because Nocturnal is aimed at an audience of young adults I think my natural aesthetic for drawing fitted in well with the written stories.

These are a variety graphical redesigns created for the Bethlehem wall museum stories article in the issue.
I enjoyed giving these layouts a contemporary graphical vibe and introducing new colours to the compositions.

These are some animated versions of the illustrations which move when the user's cursor interacts with the image.
I enjoyed experimenting with these designs and they worked well on the website and in social media to promote the issue.